Monday, March 24, 2014

Laksa Sarawak

If you're in Sarawak, check out Laksa Sarawak, a popular authentic spicy delicacy by the locals.  With a little taste of local spice, added with rich coconut milk 'santan' this should not be missed!

Very different if compared to Laksa Johor or Laksa Penang, it has a taste of its own....deeweecious! 

I've tried one of the best Laksa locally. You may want to see for yourself here. Visit a home based Laksa operator at kampung Patingan. Situated right by the roadside of kpg Patingan, Kuching, Sarawak.

Homely may want to drop by in the mornings else you won't find the place open in the afternoon. Check it out... it's worth a try. Cheers!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

take time off

School holidays is just round the corner.  Friends & colleagues are bragging bout taking long leaves with families.  Best yet, planning for family getaway once in a while is great!

Well, its kind of a 'breakaway' time from the usual stuff of beeezee routine. Why not take a break...treat yourselves & be pampered!

Im planning on going for a body massage therapy.
mmm couldn't wait!

Just you and loved ones...
Its all about spending time together
nothing beats a leisurely relax time

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sarawak locally made candies

Shop for goodies made locally in Sarawak.
With a twist of tumeric, lemongrass & other local herbs & plants... it taste real deweeeecious!

Only found in the Land of the in Sarawak. Check these out!

Packed nicely & smallish, they are great give-aways for family & friends. Give them a try.. its worth your find!